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1. Information collected:

1.1. Name. Surname

1.2. Phone number,

1.3. Residence address

2. Purposes of data collection:

2.1. To open your personal account

2.2. To accept and process your orders

2.3. To contact you in case of changes or announcements

2.4. To better know your preferences

3. Methods of collecting information:

3.1. We collect data from the information you provide during registration.

4. Data storage and security:

4.1. We work to protect the security of your personal information during transmission using software.

5. Providing data to third parties:

5.1. Data will only be provided to our partners if you place an order from their store so that they contact you by about delivery.

5.2. Provided data:

- Name. Surname

- Phone number,

- Residence address

6. Compliance with legislation on data protection:

6.1. This document was written on the basis of the LAW OF TURKMENISTAN ON information about privacy and its protection.

Updated date: 17.05.2024